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The city's clean up team came in a white ambulance truck without any prints on it, a crew came out with same red mark on there shirts. The mess took a while to clean up but in the meantime Sasha and Berry head back home "alright, what's wrong?" Berry started with a question the moment they got into the house "what do you mean?" Sasha replied "trying to dodge the question "I see, you ran after that guy, why?" "I have no idea what you're talking about" Berry then left the question and sat down on the couch, seeing him like that made Sasha feel guilty she sat next to him.

"The only reason I came to the Big City was to avenge my father's death, he was killed by 4 guys with that same red mark on their foreheads so when I saw that guy I reacted"

"look I'm pretty sure you love your Dad and want to avenge him and all but going against the heroes is suicide"

"you don't understand"

"oh yes I do, my Dad tried to get revenge too because they killed he's brother, I had to relocate here to the Big City because they wiped out our entire race off the surface of this earth I escaped by changing my name"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that, but I'm not your Dad I can find my way out of this"

"(scoff) I was 5 back then and I wasn't this stupid"

He got up and as he left to the bathroom he said "go if you want to I don't care, it's your funeral, that's what I told my Dad and guess what? it was my entire families funeral to as well" He then left the room leaving Sasha with questions about her destiny.

Who ever tried to approach the island was chased off by the serpent's head that showed through the fog that surrounded the island, all ocean travels were clearly aware that the head belonged to IVI.