Chapter 2

"Why all windows and doors are locked, it's so hot as hell!" Mom said with irritation, and i swallow my toast for my nervousness, and she spoke again "did you do it, Melody?" My eyes widen, and sean narrowed his eyes on me.

"You come home late, is something happened?" I laughed nervously and drank my milk and cough a little "I saw a ghost?" I replied more like a question, mom looks like she buy my lie, but sean.

He was giving me a look telling 'You-have-to-explain-it-later' i nodded rapidly and stand up "Alpha titus was going to train us today in the rouges camp, so we better get there before seven" i remind and he nodded, not even removing his narrowing eyes made me want to attack it by my fingers.

"Don't forget to bring your extra clothes, or you will come home naked, specially you melody, since your a gi–" i cut mom off before she make me embarrassed early in the morning.

"Yeah, yeah! I get it mom! You have to remind sean about that repeatedly, because his going to show his big tummy infront of gi–" sean quickly cover my mouth by his palm while glaring at me.

"mom, melody was still half asleep, how about we throw her in the tub with full of cold water, so she can fully wake up?" I slap sean's away and glare at him playfully.

"I'm fully awake sean, You must be out of your mind.." i mumble gaving up of this nonsense argument "oh! So my little sister is starting to act mature?! Come here you crybaby!" I was suddenly pull by him, and rubbing his knuckles on my head make me yelp.

"mom help! Sean is fully out of his mind! Ow ow ow!!" I yelled trying to remove his hands, but he tighten his grip.

"sean..unhand your sister" mom said full of authority and I smirk looking at sean, he sigh defeatedly and he finally let go of me "Tss' why melody always be the one to be victim?" He grumbled and i gasp dramatically.

"so baby sean wanted to be saved by super man? Well here comes lord voldemort!" I yelled punching his stomach and he let out a scream.

"you two both stop that and go to the rouge camp already" mom said and we both laugh exiting the house, and walking toward the garage, to grab our bikes.

"Do you remember what alpha titus said to us?" I look at him confusely and he shook his head in disbelief  "what? What?! Did i miss something?" I ranted and he nodded.

"And the most painful, you miss the important part.." i rolled my eyes and started to move my legs with the pedal and clutch the handle.

"Can't you just tell me what it is?" I said boredly and he sigh, i never thought i have a dramatic brother.

"Tomorrow, it's trial–" before sean could finish his words i gasp forgetting about the trial, all rouge have a activities, we have to run through the dark mountain to find the red flag, and if who ever get this, he or she will be the next alpha of rouges.

"And i doubt your eager to join this do you?" I ask sarcastically, and he nodded with a grin, great, i have to join this trial too, if sean join a activity, i have to be there too.

so mom won't be my one of my reasons if i die.

"Such a pain on the butt, you know i hate dark mountain.." i groaned and he shook his head "oh your wrong, we're not going on the dark mountain.." Well, i join then.

"then where?" I ask and he smirk fastened his drive "we're going on the White everett mountain.." my eyes wide and catch him.

"It's trespassing!" I yelled and he laugh "you know alpha titus likes troubles!" How dare he! He can't be kidding me.

"is he planning to kill us there?" I ask and he glance at me "Not us, them" i shook my head and kick his wheel in annoyance "so your going to let lucas died in hands of our father?"

"no of course not! I just want to see Dad" i sigh defeatedly and we finally reach the rouge forest, we have to walk here to reach the camp.

We hop off from our bikes and tie it in the pole, and we walk enter the forest.

"Mom will kill us if she find out that your planning to see father.." i mumble and he hummed in agreement.

"But we're people, we still have to need our parents presence, specially love, we're not like a dog that meant to be separated on their father you know?"  I nodded in agreement, and smile.

"I just hope he miss us too.." i whisper "he will melody–" sean was cut off when lucas voice boomed.

"what took you two so long? Everytime we're going on somewhere, you two will always late and needed to be wait!" I rolled my eyes and walk toward their group and smile.

"Yes father, we should gotta go" i shrugged and they follow me.

"Melody..." George call and i hummed "what is it?" I ask not looking at him "why your appearance suddenly changed?" I stop and look at him, lucas was nodding too and the others including sean.


"You know, when you walk toward us, our wolves was whimpering inside of us, and your appearance was, full of power and authority"

I look at sean "did you feel the same, sean?" I ask and he nodded slowly, scratching the back of his head "Yeah? Mom feel it too, i was about ask her, but she just smiling like you finally graduate at college" he replied between chuckling nervously.

"Well, mom can only answer that, i don't know what's happening to myself too, and..we should gotta go, before alpha titus punish us" i said awkwardly and they nodded and started to run.

Full of power and authority, huh? Pft, for sure it's just one of they're pranks.

When we reach the camp, all, as In all teen rouges in this town was here, right.. before you want to join the trials, you have to attend at the campus and write your name for a requirements.

Eager to be an alpha?

Girls and boys was talking, laughing, and flirting. animalistic isn't? Most of rouge they're wolf was controlling them, but when it comes to anger.

Me, sean, lucas, zeyne, and george knows how to control our wolf, alpha titus found it unique, but for us? It's just normal, we will believe if it's unique if he tell us the reasons, but alpha titus, being ridiculous, he left some things without meanings, which made me annoyed.

"Are you guys gonna join the trials tomorrow?" Zeyne ask and we all nodded, For sure it be more exciting.

We all turn our heads to Alpha titus who just arrived and we all bow for respect.

We still looking at the ground and he finally spoke "Everyone in ten seconds form into position one! Now!"  Alpha titus started to count down and me and sean throw our pack bags on the camp and sprinted to the base where we all supposed to train.

And when we reach, we stand straight, hearing that lucas and the others was behind of us, we was the first who reach the base, and other rouge was still rushing.

When all of them got their position we rest the back of our palms behind of our stomachs, while chin was up.

"Push up three hundred!" All of us fell our self on the ground and stand our toes and put our knuckles at the ground, and started to push up.

We already get use to this, Most of them gave up at pushing up when alpha titus mentioned the number Two hundred.

For the others who gave up, alpha titus shoo them away, it's simple, when you stop you fall, so you have to keep it run so you won't fall.

The day went on, doing things that we already use, jumping on the tires, climbing at tall trees without branch, running on the sea: no swimming, just running, and sparring, and wrestling.

When the clock strike three at the afternoon, the training is over. while we're on the training me and lucas made a bet, who get first into the finish line, when we run on the sea. will treat by the lose, and i win the bet, so he have to treat us in the café.

"Ugh! I can't believe i have to do this.." I heard lucas grumbled and i laugh hardly stabbing the cake by the fork.

"you started it.." i said and he rolled his eyes "that money was for later, so i can buy a new phone!" He whined and i heard sean groaned.

"kids this days.." he muttered.

"hey! I want to buy new, so I can found a job using gadgets"

zeyne let out a snort and take a sip on his coffee and smirk "like what? Sending teenagers a p*rn that you made?" George wacked the back of his head and glared.

"we're on the café if i remind you all, act formal! Your acting like a animal" sean and me laughed at the scene.

Sometimes they may be cruel but sometimes they're funny, that's what i like on behalf of them.

We all decide to go home early so we can pack for tomorrow, lucas was still whining about his money, I don't blame myself about that, he started it, he deserved it.

I have a feeling that zeyne wouldn't come tomorrow since i saw him left with a girl on his arms, i guess he found his mate, i felt bad about that girl.

George said he have to go on the archade to play some archade games, i can't tell if they are starting to act mature, but they're starting to get worst!

"You okay?" Sean ask and i nodded gripping the handle of my bike as the pain started to wave at me again, this pain was bothering me always, I was trying my self to keep busy so i can forget about this.

"You know, since morning i was worried sick about you, I notice there's a bruise in your head, and i saw a wound on your legs what really happened to you?"

"I just got tripped from my bike.." i lied and i know for sure, he didn't buy that, he know me very well, he won't stop asking until i tell the truth.

After the seconds passed with the heavy silent, i sigh defeatedly and stop and he stop too.

"I.. I don't know where to start.. " i whisper remembering all last night, I won't forget it, that was gaving me trauma, and if mom know about this.

For sure i be at the hospital right now, been lock up on a plain white room, so i won't escape from the hospital.

"Why don't we take a seat?" He ask pointing at the cutted tree and i nodded hopping off from my bike, and push it and let it lean on the tree and take a seat.

He stare at me while crossing his arms waiting for my explanation and i sigh "Spill it, i will listen" once again i take a deep breath and tell him what happened yesterday.

I don't know what's his reaction, there was a hint of sadness, madness, guilt, and happy in the same time.

"I'm sorry, if I were there, i won't let them hurt you" he said guiltily, and i hold his hand gripping it softly "atleast im here now, right?" I said trying to bring his happy side.

"You finally found your mate!" He yelled grabbing my neck and robbed his knuckles on my head.

"Can you stop that–" i was cut off when he spoke "i never thought you will be the one to make mom as a grandma, I can't wait to this tell to mom!" I slap his hands away and back away from him.

I catch up on air first and glare at him "I'm not wishing to have one child! And please don't tell this to mom! I don't want to see him! His an alpha, for sure he will reject me, and kill me for silence" i begged and he smile nodding his head.

"I won't until you said" he said and i kick his shin, make him kneel and rubbing his shin.

"Why you do that?!" He yelled and i look at him and glare "that's for hurting me" i said bluntly and he smirk.

"I changed my mind, i have to tell this to mom!" He run toward his bike and started to left me at the cutted tree, that when i remember.

He will tell it to mom!

I quickly grab my bike and hop in trying to catch him!

"Don't you dare sean!!" I yelled and he laugh wickedly.