Yama's dagger!

Who came out on top?


The silvery flying sword arcs burst apart the icebergs into hundreds of pieces and rained down on the Giant Gremlin.

It was so slow that it couldn't move out of their way in time and had to take them head-on.

One after another, they rained down on it like torrential rain.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The giant claw it had raised to block them was what they chopped off before drawing dozens of red lines all over its body.

These lines grew, and blood gushed out, splashing on the ground.

『You've landed consecutive critical hits on the Giant Gremlin. It lost 270 HP (20/500 HP). It's periodically receiving bleeding damage. It will lose one HP every minute.』

Roy saw it was covered in wounds from head to toe and thought to himself: "Is this the power of a magic sword? Too ridiculous!"