[Bonus chapter] Never say no to free Stuff

Arlo had muddied the rumors about Roy.

The people who believe what they want to thus refused to take Roy seriously.

His reputation was still bad as ever in the county.

If not for the fact that Arthur had met up with the Knights who were present at the training ground that day, he wouldn't be so sure that Roy was at the fifth level.

But even then, how did it warrant him to treat Roy so good when there were trainees at the sixth and seventh levels under his wing?!

"What about the other trainees? Why are you considering me over them?"

Roy was curious about why he was chosen to be the carry in the upcoming competition by this brother of his.

"They don't carry our blood. Who knows if they would betray us or refuse to honor the promises made in the future?"

Arthur was rather distrustful of outsiders.

'He might have old scars from getting betrayed by a close person. That's why he's so hesitant about trusting them.'

Roy judged Arthur as a rather pessimistic and guarded man.