
The Elder Mage's eyes stopped at Amelia, discerning her.

"You're a very talented individual. Going far in the path of magic shouldn't be a hard task for you. I can barely see through you, however. So I only have this advice for you. You need to learn to cherish your life more."

Arlo knew what he could do, so he didn't show a change in his expression, but Roy was alarmed to find out that he could see through a person with just a glance.

Awed by him, Amelia humbly bowed to the sage-like man. "I will keep your advice in mind and learn to treasure my life."

Her eyes that the elder could see said something else.

'But if the need ever arises, I will sacrifice myself for him.'

After giving her a slightly disappointed nod, he focused his attention on Roy. Just what made this stinky boy so special that a being born for magic would go so far for him? He wanted to know.

Under his gaze, Roy inexplicably felt nervous, and droplets of sweat formed on his forehead.