[Bonus Chapter]Swift Death vs. Bloodsucking vines!

In mid-air, its lid opened wide to reveal the horror that lay within, which was rows and rows of knife-like teeth and a mouth most likely to breathe fire!

Swift Death raised her head, revealing a scheming smile.

『High-level Soul Shard: Teleportation』

A blink of an eye was all it took for her to teleport ten steps above her current spot, where she left behind an afterimage.

The monster failed to discern the real from the fake and attacked what it shouldn't have.


Its jaw snapped her afterimage in half, causing it to be blurred out of existence.

It was at this moment that the monster-like chest realized that it had fucked up.

Feeling something approaching it from above, the monster-like chest tried to move away, but It was stomped upon by someone with such strength that it plunged to the ground.


It crash-landed on the ground, and the flame in its mouth exploded.

The next instant, black steam could be seen coming out of it.