The Hunted Hunts!

The ferocious poisonous coyotes stood rooted to their spot as if struck by a lightning bolt out of the blue as they were too shocked to see him run away from them as if they were some kind of plague that

Their mouths were hanging open as they saw his figure becoming blurry in their vision.


A big one closed its mouth shut, then opened it, releasing a powerful roar. It was enough to snap them back to their senses. Moments later, a hundred coyotes were seen chasing a man through the forest.

After fifteen minutes, the fastest coyotes were at a distance of two minutes from the rest of their pack, but they were also hot on Roy's trail. They were around thirty meters away from him.

"So… they've chosen death."

The second Roy noticed that, he paused, turned around, and dashed towards them at his highest speed.

The beasts never expected that their scared and cowardly prey would suddenly try to hunt them down. They weren't prepared for this.