[Bonus Chapter] A Corpse that's like a treasure trove

GhostWalker's head touched the ground. If one were to look closely at it, they would see that his eyes were full of disbelief and unwillingness. Noticing that, Roy showed a smile. Then… his attention was attracted by the system's notifications ringing in his ears.

『Ding! Congratulation. You've Killed a Fallen Priest of Chaos. You get 200 EXP. You'll be handsomely rewarded when you return to Far West.』

『Ding! Congratulation. The system has extracted 2000 units of Chaotic energy from his body, purified it, and converted it into EXP. You get an additional 1000 EXP!』

This pleasantly surprised Roy.

He had never expected to earn so many experience points from taking down a single person!

Roy smiled with his eyes. 'Defeating him was hard, but the rewards I got were well worth my efforts.'

Then, his eyes narrowed, and a thoughtful look was revealed on his face.