Roy vs Noah (2)

One of the spikes sticking out of the crystal sphere, which had crash-landed a step away from Noah, had already penetrated his Adam's apple, wounded his neck, and drawn a small quantity of blood from his throat that slid onto his chest.

Noah saw the reflection of this sight on the crystal sphere's shiny surface, and upon realizing how close he had come to death, Noah's pupils dilated, his eyes thinning to the size of needles.

"That would have gone into my mouth through my chin if I had been any shorter. I might have survived, but my face would have been permanently damaged."

Swallowing nervously, Noah crawled away from it and thanked his lucky stars that he was 6 ft. 1, as he stood up and patted the dust away from his distinguished self.

The sounds of footsteps were heard.

He turned around to look in the direction where it came from and saw a shadowy figure behind the dust.