Learning the part of Limit Breaker!


A biting cold wind crept into the carriage through the open door and nipped at the faces of the people sitting inside.

"Fuck, it's cold." 

Like a priest driving a demon out of a possessed man's body, the cold wind compelled them to clutch their thick jackets tighter around them.

Because it was too draughty and the twins were in obvious discomfort, Amelia closed the carriage's door. "It will be fine now."

The only path that could be taken to step inside the carriage was blocked. 

The freezing air around them warmed up a little.

The twins stopped shivering.

"It's so cold outside. I wouldn't head out there even if I were heavily dressed. How come Uncle Arlo suddenly had the ingenious but stupid idea of training Roy in such a chilly place? Does he have a beef to settle with him?"

Julian huddled close to Maya in his quest to seek bodily warmth but was immediately forced by a gaze that scrutinized him in disdain.

'Do not approach my naive sister if you value your life.'