A new quest!

『You have digested an advanced-grade recovery potion』

『An all-powerful healing power has healed your internal and external wounds』

In the time it takes for a person to blink an eye, all the wounds on Roy's body closed up.

He felt refreshed. 

The system's notification sounded in his mind again.

『What was left of it has infused with your bone marrow, prompting it to urgently produce the few mouthfuls of blood you lost』

『Your lost HP bars have been recovered』

『Hp: 10/10』

Roy's eyes widened. 

He was taken aback. 

'What the heck did I just drink? Why is it so effective and powerful at doing what it says — healing people? Drinking just one recovery potion nullified all damage done to my blood vessels, internal organs, bones, and skin due to breaking my first chains of limitation. I no longer feel exhausted. That must be because it's like an energizer. Red bulls give you imaginary wings, but it gave me a boost to rival unicorns for real. Unbelievable!'