Extra effects of Aura Lightning

Numerous pieces of burnt meat fell down from the air and thudded to the ground somewhere in the cold, icy land as Roy rushed towards that area. He was closely followed by his maids, friends, and family.

It was 100+ meters away from the spot where he was when he killed it. It took him a couple of seconds to reach it. 

Unsurprisingly, Arlo was already there, resting against a tree with an amused expression on his face.

"That fight would have ended in an instant if you stepped in. Why didn't you?" Roy stopped and questioned him.

"Because bringing you here would be meaningless then. I brought you here to help you gain practical experience. It's up to you to defeat all the monsters we encounter in the Icy Cold Land and the Warm Lands. How you deal with them is also totally up to you. And don't worry about encountering foes that are impossible for you to handle. Aura monsters don't hunt in these land." Arlo made his intentions clear to Roy.