Calm before the fierce storm!

"So… who wants to give it a try next?"

Roy's gaze swept past all of them and stopped at Delilah.

"How about you give it a try?"

Actually, he wanted to see if Delilah's strength and agility stats would go above 50 if she used cores to increase them. That way, he would confirm that she was really more special than the Baldwins. That's why he urged her to do it.

"No thanks."

Delilah shot him down as she moved away from him and the disgusting things in his hands.

The side effects of taking the potion didn't mean much to men, but they were traumatizing for a woman like her.

She didn't want her breath to smell like shit.

She wouldn't be able to take it.

"Let me have a go at it again!"

Aydin had tasted what it felt like to easily increase strength, and now he couldn't get enough of it.

His little paws reached for all the glasses, but Roy slapped them away.

"What was that for?" Aydin rubbed the back of his stinging hands.