
『Ding! Congratulation. You have gained considerable pieces of the Lord's Blessing Skill Shards.』

This was Roy's first reward for killing the monster swarm made of ten thousand flesh rippers.

'I am only one shard away from creating it.' 

Roy's eyes lit up.

'Once I have this skill, it will be easy to push their stats to the peak of their raw potential.'

It's not like he couldn't do the same using the beast core purifying method, but for that he needed eternal weeds, a considerable amount of them.

Just as this thought popped up in his mind, another system's notification rang in his ears. This one brought him great joy. His lips subconsciously thinned and stretched back into a wide and unconstrained smile.

『Ding! Congratulations. You have gained ×100 Eternal Weed!』

This much was enough to purify about 100 to 200 cores.