Abusing Skill to the utmost!

The arrows pierced right through the chests of some of the Armored Spirit Archers and the heads of the others and came out of their back and the back of their heads, respectively, opening up an egg-sized deep hole in each of their metallic bodies. However, even after all that, the arrows were still to reach the end of their Flights.

They stopped only after their arrowheads pierced into the corridor's walls, fragments of stone and dust sprinkling downwards, staining the velvety red carpet on the floor.

This showed how powerful they were to Roy. He felt that he was playing DMC 5 in hell mode. It would be game over for him if any one of them hit him a single time.

Not even a single one of their attacks was able to reach Roy's body, however, because he had become a ghost in time.

He thanked himself for coming up with a plan in time that not only saved his hide but also fucked them up.