Roy vs. Draconian Statue! (2/2)

As the sea of spells reflected in his eyes, Tevenlor calmly stood up and patted away the dust on his body. He wasn't putting it in his eyes. Most likely, he had something to overcome it.

"Why is he so calm? Does he have something up his sleeve?"

Roy looked at Tevenlor with a gaze of scrutiny and suddenly sensed massive energy fluctuations taking place around him.

"I am done warming up."

Saying this, Tevenlor raised his hands, and waves of colorless aura invisible to the naked eye gushed out of his palm, instantly stretching upwards and to the size, shaping into a 350 ft tall and 200 ft wide wall before solidifying into one.

Lo and behold, a colorless, invisible wall made of Defensive Force formed between him and the storm of spells.

Roy wasn't able to see it, but he could sense it.

His ancestor, on the other hand, clearly saw it and smiled.