The truth! (Part-1)

Surprisingly enough, Roy didn't feel disgusted with the Formless Siren.

Although she threw herself at him like a prostitute, he didn't push her away and instead hugged her back, supporting her from not falling off of him and hurting herself.

If someone else had dared to pounce on him like her on their first meeting, he would have thrown them away like a Super Giga Chad, with enough force to send them from the Northern Region all the way to the Forbidden Capital.

There's a reason why he was treating her with such care. The second she hugged him, Roy felt as if he had found what he never knew he was searching for but was extremely precious to him. He could tell that cherishing her was an innate desire of his. Thus, he confirmed that it was his bloodline that was telling him not to harm or hurt her, or else he would regret it greatly.

"Get down." Roy tried to get her off himself, but as if she was a cat who had its tail stepped on, she latched onto him even more ferociously.