Calm Before the last trial!

『Ding! Congratulation. You Strength has increased to 250 points. Your Agility has increased to 220. You Stamina has increased to 235 points.』

『Your Soul has been buffed. It has gained four extra skill slots. You can now learn four extra soul spells.』

Roy's eyes lit up in joy.

It was a known fact that level 3 spells could damage aura masters, and level 4 to 7 spells could overwhelm grandmasters, and now he could create level 3 to level 6 fire spells using the Fire Control skill.

"I have gained another weapon against aura masters, grandmasters, and Force Users."

He wasn't expecting this. It came as a pleasant surprise to him.

Roy smiled and said to Yulran, "Thanks for everything so far."

"Don't mention it. I would have done the same for any other descendant if they had caught my interest. But if you think I have done you a great favor and want to repay me, then take care of that lass." Yulran waved his hand.