Taking Down Voss (Part-2)

Roy saw gusts escaping Voss's body and coming for not only them but also the villagers.

These gusts transformed into white ghost-like figures.

Inspecting them told him that they were a part of his curse.

If they were to enter someone, that person would fall victim to Voss's third avatar's curse and become his.

"Now you can dodge it, but the people below you won't be that lucky." Voss continued speaking to Arlo like a nasty bitch. "Its range is a few hundred miles, and everything in its range will instantly turn to dust. You have no choice but to defy it if you value their life. But if you defy this curse, they will fall victim to my second one and become my slave. What is it going to be, baldy?!"

Saying this, Voss fired the blast at Arlo. At the same time, he cursed everyone in the surroundings.

"My choice is quite obvious."

Arlo crossed his fingers, defying one of Voss's curses.