Memoir of the Past: Water Celestial's past

"Yes." The Water Celestial replied to Damien. "This God is your grandfather."

The Water Celestial was looking at Damien with a gentle gaze. Damien seemed extremely interested in him. His eyes reflected the handsome man's face, and curiosity burned in them like two little balls of fire.

"Why?" Noticing his gaze, the Water Celestial smiled at him, "Are you surprised to know that you have a grandpa as powerful as me?"

The Water Celestial might be smiling, but his heart was in pain.

Never before had they met. The Water Celestial thought that his daughter, Vivia, hadn't spoken a word about him to his grandson, which led him to believe that Damien didn't know about his existence and that this was the first time he came to know that he had a grandpa who was a God.

Well, technically, he wasn't a God, as he lacked a divine realm.

However, he was a Celestial as he possessed divine power, which he gained through having people believe in him and worship him.