Legend of the Soul intoxication wine (2/2)

He was immediately scolded by Roy. "That's not something you should joke about."

"Hmm, you are right." Julian apologized with a sour face.

"I feel stuffed," Tevenlor said while burping ungracefully and patting the stomach region of his armored self.

Before the meal that Damien had the maids prepare for them, not only was Roy's energy tank was hovering below 1k points, but he was also suffering from mild exhaustion caused by using his soul-herding ability a bit too much.

However, after filling up his stomach, his energy bar was glowing gold, and there was no headache to be felt either.

"Thank you for the meal."

"You are great, Sandra."

Everyone praised the main hand behind all the dishes on the tables. Amelia and Delilah had only helped cook the meat. Sandra did the rest.

She wasn't used to so much attention, so she lowered her head and hid her face in the bowl.

"Well, I learned from the best," she said after a pause.