Exploring the Mystery of the Holy barrier!

Hearing his words, Delilah felt confused. Didn't he just pour fire into the portal? How did he conclude so much from that?

Unable to understand how his brain works, she blinked. "Did you confirm this by pouring fire into the portal? If so, how?"

Seeing her big, crimson eyes, Roy thought they were really pretty, but not as pretty as his wife. He didn't mind complimenting her in his mind. She was, after all, his first flame in this life. Although he had gotten married to a gorgeous Female Siren that could topple kingdoms with a glance, it was hard for him to forget how the woman next to him looked when she was pressed beneath him. The kiss he shared with her was also not forgotten.

Such thoughts were too disturbing, and Roy's face reddened. He looked away from Delilah, hoping that she hadn't caught the embarrassment written on his face. With his back to her, he cleared his throat as if wiping away the dirty thought in his mind.