The True Face of the Summer Land!

"Sorry to break it to you, but that isn't the case. It's not that this place isn't filled with monsters and unknown dangers. It's just that I have acted with extreme caution and taken us around them." Roy corrected her.

"There's a limit to how much you should boost, my lord," Delilah said sarcastically. She pointed at her eyes and continued, "I have these. I am not blind. And these eyes haven't caught signs of any monsters since we entered this wilderness."

Roy felt annoyed by the way she was speaking to him. Usually, he wouldn't bother making things clear to her. But this just wasn't one of those times.

"I have a skill that lets me detect monsters as long as they are within a certain distance. And it just so happens that that distance is far greater than your field of vision." Roy said. "There were many monsters along the way, but we didn't have an encounter with a single one because of my skill."