Discovering the truth!

Delilah didn't know he had saved her life again by stopping her from entering the middle entrance. She would have been reduced to ashes if she had.

"Are you still not done?"

She was clueless!

He didn't let his surprise show on his face as he was afraid that there might be an illusionist in the dark and a grave change in his expression might alarm them.

Illusionists were mages who had awakened an illusion-type spellbook or beasts who could use illusion magic.

He acted like he hadn't seen the truth and continued on with his investigation.

The mushrooms to his left disappeared with the wind, leaving a barren land that led to a cliff.

Just like the middle path, it was a death trap!

There was no change in the lifeless ash-grey trees. They were to his right. He focused his eyes on them. His X-ray vision was activated. It allowed him to see through things, and he saw that one was a freaking monster disguised as a tree!