Slaying the clone

"Show me what you got." the clone said to Roy, who was staring at it with bone-chilling indifference as if he was looking at a corpse.

"I don't have time to play with you," Roy said in a throaty voice stuffed with venom as his killing intent materialized, causing the temperature to decrease rapidly. It was hot in the cave, but all of a sudden, winter descended. "I will finish you in one move!" he added as he raised his sword and pointed it at the clone, who looked confused.

'Weird. Why and how did the temperature decrease? Is he the cause of this phenomenon?' the clone thought as the gap between them lessened.

Roy's killing intent took the form of countless threads unseeable by the naked eye. They appeared around him, following his will to coil around the sharp surface of the white sword in his grip, dressing it up in red. The sharpness of the moonlight sword increased uncountably as a result. It became sharper than any weapon he had known.