Confronting the Lord of the River!

Delilah quickly assessed the situation and formulated a plan, "Lord, they know how to work together. You have to split them up into little groups if you want to take them down easily."

"I was getting to that part," Roy said as he refilled his inner world by taking a deep breath and hefted his other sword with his right hand, feeling its weight increase to a staggering 14 tons as it devoured his aura like a hungry ghost.

"Have a taste of this," Roy said to the incoming monsters, the air around him crackling with energy as he swung the purplish sword, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that sent several of the monsters flying backward like rag dolls

As for those unlucky monsters on which the heavy purplish black landed, their bodies burst apart like balloons. The onlookers got to witness a shower of blood and gore.

『Ding! Congratulation. You have killed 63 Humanoid Fish. You gained 63 thousand experience points and 24 shards of water!』