Water Manipulation Skill!

Despite the searing pain that pulsed through his body, Roy remained stoic and composed. His face contorted with the effort of suppressing his agony, but he managed to force out a laugh, "You don't need to worry about me. I am fine." His voice was unyielding, carrying only a faint hint of strain that hinted at the torment he was enduring.

This level of pain wasn't enough to bend his back or force him to break his character.

Shadowless thought that he was cool. In his eyes, a man who could bear pain with a smile was worthy of admiration.

The pain throbbing in Roy's mind and surging throughout his body ebbed away when the transfer of knowledge and power was completed. He was left gasping for breath, but he soon calmed down and wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his palm.

After lowering his eyes, he saw strange things floating around him. His eyes squinted as he focused on them.

"I am able to see hydrogen and oxygen molecules?"