The Cave

There was a crack in the wall of the cave, and water was streaming out of it. This crack served as the only available bridge between the Glorious Sun Empire and the Ashen Land. Two people crossed the crack and landed in a shallow body of water.

The two people were Delilah and Roy, and the pool they were in was crystal clear. It was so shallow that one could easily stand in it with their feet touching the ground.

Delilah clung to Roy, tightly embracing him as if she couldn't bear to separate from him.

Concern etched his features as he felt her trembling.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking at her over his shoulder. Her eyes were shut tight, and her eyelashes fluttered.

Delilah opened her eyes and forced a smile.

"It's nothing," she said, not wanting to burden him with her troubles.

Roy furrowed his brows at her reply.

"You're shaking," he pointed out. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Delilah bit her lip, unsure of how to answer.