Immortality is but a fluke (4/4)

The sound of the explosion echoed through the air, and the left side of the zombie's body was engulfed in bright red emerald flames. The fire consumed the zombie's flesh with ease, spreading outwards like a ferocious tiger on the hunt. The zombie desperately tried to control the spread of the flames by severing the part of its body that was on fire.

Although it was a move made in desperation, it allowed the zombie to escape with its life and half its body.

Roy couldn't help but sneer at the pitiful state of his opponent.

"I don't believe you're fit to fight in such a sorry state," he jibed.

Unfazed by the mocking words, the zombie responded with an eerie calmness that sounded almost mechanical. "With the mystical power bestowed upon me by the Seventh King of the Void, it won't be long before I finish healing myself. May the void bless me. May the blessing of the void make my wound whole!" the zombie repeated, like a broken record stuck in a loop.