Full Might on Display!

"Your performance was exceptional, Delilah. Please take a well-deserved rest now. I will take it from here." Roy's words echoed through the air, as he stepped up to face the looming army of goblins.

Delilah nodded, retreating cautiously behind him.

She knew that if anyone else had offered to take over in this situation, she would have rolled her eyes and sneered at them, but it was Roy.

She had seen him perform miracles, defy all odds to secure victories, and emerge victorious against the most dangerous of opponents time and time again. She couldn't help but believe him when he said that he could handle the tens of thousands of goblins that were glaring menacingly at them.

The goblins, learning from their previous lesson, changed their tactics.

The goblin warriors hastily assembled their shields while the goblin archers and mages released an unrelenting barrage of arrows and fireballs at Roy and Delilah.