The lich is an actor?

"The intruder wants to steal the treasure of our land. I order you to suppress him with your combined might!" the lich commanded, his voice echoing across the monument.

In response to the lich's call, the 32 demonic statues rushed toward Roy, their massive frames closing in on him at an alarming rate.

"Is this the reason for your confidence?" Roy said calmly, not at all panic-stricken by the sight of the humongous group of monstrous statues that were about to strike him down. "If so, let me crush it!"

Roy leaped backwards, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision with the formidable heavenly demon statues.

"Don't let him escape! Chase after him." the lich commanded, and all the statues rushed towards Roy.

A confident smirk played across Roy's lips as he watched the menacing figures draw closer.

"Rise up against injustice; let their reign come to an end," he called out to the power deep within him. "Slow their momentum, and halt their tyranny. Sword Force, Release!"