His Rizz Game is Too Smooth!

As the journey stretched on, the female siren let out a soft yawn, her eyes drooping with fatigue.

"I'm feeling sleepy," she said while leaning closer to her man.

Roy's heart softened at the sound of her tired voice. He always had this spot for her in his heart that he couldn't ignore. He loved Delilah, but he also loved her. They were both precious to him. He wanted to treat both of them like his precious treasures.

"Rest your head on my shoulder and sleep," he offered, "I'll wake you up once we're there."

His words were laced with a gentleness that was hard to refuse. Not to mention, the female siren didn't want to refuse him at all. She felt the best when she was glued together with him. The thing she liked most was sticking with him!

"Thanks. You are the best."