Inner World Manifestation!

With a flick of his hand, Count Constantine made a hand sign.

A death knight was taken aback by what he saw.

"Stop him at all costs! Don't let him cast that spell!" yelled the death knight, urging his comrades to quicken their pace.

"Too late!" exclaimed Count Constantine.

"Inner World Manifestation: Ethereal Domain!"

As he uttered those words, a mystical realm materialized in the heart of the county, swallowing Count Constantine and his fearsome attackers into its ethereal depths.

What happened next was so astounding that the death knight's mouths hung agape, their jaws threatening to drop to the ground in disbelief.

"Why the hell have we slowed down so much?!" The Death Knights were crawling forward like snails, and frustration was evident in their voices.

"I swear to the gods, we're never going to reach him at this rate!" Hopelessness overtook their once fiery spirits, and the realization that they might fail sank in.