Picking up the remains and moving on!

The blow was devastating, but it wasn't enough to put Zarathas down.

He levitated back to his feet, his wings beating furiously as he summoned a barrage of bright red fireballs.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The balls of flame hurtled towards Lucas like deadly meteors, each one packing a punch that could easily incinerate a lesser opponent.

Lucas slithered through the air with a lithe grace that mirrored that of a serpent as he danced around the fiery projectiles hurtling towards him, all the while closing in on Zarathas.

In no time at all, Lucas was face-to-face with Zarathas, his sword poised for attack. The undead creature, however, was quicker than he expected.

"I am not going down so easily!" With a single beat of his wings, Zarathas conjured a shield that stopped Lucas's attack dead in its tracks.

"That won't be enough to stop me!" Lucas immediately circled around Zarathas's defense, his movements like those of a river that flowed effortlessly towards its destination.