Discovering hidden danger-End of Augustus's Pov

Amara had smiled softly, "But I didn't die this time, did I? You came to my rescue, my lord Augustus. There are people like me who can be easily fooled by the lies of others, but there are also people like you who have the strength to protect us. I'm grateful to have you by my side."

Augustus had given her a small smirk, "You're so stupid. I guess I will have to keep you close to me to make sure you don't fall victim to another ploy again."

She had said, "You could have just said that you will always be there to protect me."

Hearing her remark, Augustus had looked away from her.

Then, he have heard her say,

"Curiosity is an intriguing emotion, isn't it?" Amara's voice was soft and laced with fascination as she spoke, her eyes fixed on Augustus. "I can't help but wonder why you are keeping your powers a secret from the world."