500: Ender of invasions 2!

Roy slowly turned his gaze towards the commander, his eyes cool as ice and just as piercing. With a wry smile on his lips, he said, "You don't need to understand. I mean, what use would this knowledge be to a corpse?"

The words echoed in the stunned silence that had enveloped the surroundings, striking a chord of fear in the commander's undead heart. He hadn't known fear since he was blessed with immortality, but this... this time, it was different. It felt as though his long lost human heart had been revived, thumping madly in the cage of his chest, pulsating with raw terror, a terror that seemed to root itself deep in his very soul, all because of Roy.

Snap! The serene silence was shattered as an acrid noise filled the air.

The commander's wrist had been snapped clean as if it were a twig under Roy's merciless grip.


His squeal of pain resounded through the air, bearing an eerie resemblance to the squeal of a pig led to slaughter.