An old man was killed.. blood falls in the land of the pigeons
Loud sound coming from the door
boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
I stood there for a few moments before I opened the door
Then I slowly started to open the main door to the bathrooms
Then I found in front of the door waiting for me that woman who had gone before I met that old man
Which had been requested by the head office to accompany me
Then she started looking at my face and said
"Why didn't you open the door, I waited more than twenty minutes for you."
Twenty minutes waiting
And I was struggling with that old man
I started getting closer and closer to the door, wanting to see what I was doing
One step, one step towards the bathroom
I'm getting closer and closer
Step by step with caution
I wanted to stop her, but I couldn't stand in her way
I went to the bathroom and then
She said in a slightly raspy voice
"What have you been doing here?"
I looked back at the girl who had just entered the bathrooms
But there was something very strange
All the bathrooms are clean, there is no blood in any part of the floor, the old man's body is gone
This was really crazy
As if I had never seen the old man, nor had I had a life-and-death struggle with him
Or as if I didn't kill anyone after the trial period ended
Is this just an illusion?
An illusion is a distortion of the senses that reveals how the brain organizes and interprets sensory excitement. Although delusions distort reality, most people usually share them.[1] Delusions usually affect a person's sense more than see it While optical illusions are the most well-known and understood type of illusion. The focus on optical illusions comes from the fact that the sense of sight often dominates the other senses. For example, those who watch the esoteric speech trick believe that the sound is coming from the puppeteer, because they see that the puppeteer is able to move their mouth with Some illusions are based on general assumptions made by the brain during sensory perception. These assumptions are made using organizing principles, such as Gestalt, the individual's ability to perceive and perceive kinesthetics، and cognitive stability. Other delusions also occur as a result of biosensory structures within the human body or other extracorporeal conditions within the human environment.
The term delusion refers to a specific form of sensory distortion. Hallucinations are distortions in the absence of stimulus. While delusion describes the misinterpretation of real feeling. For example, hearing voices regardless of the environment is a hallucination, while hearing voices intertwined with the sound of running water (or other sounds) is an illusion.
Mimes are defined as a set of illusions created by physical means. Where the representative of the art of suggestive movements creates a representational illusion by using invisible objects. These delusions exploit the assumptions of audiences around the worldMimes are defined as a set of illusions created by physical means. Where the representative of the art of suggestive movements creates a representational illusion by using invisible objects. These delusions exploit the assumptions of audiences around the world material. Famous examples include "walls", "stair climbing", "tilting", "going down stairs", "pulling and pushing" and others.
I also saw some witches in the land of humans
Some people use black magic and others use optical illusions
Optical illusions are always characterized by seeing deceptive or misleading images using the sense of sight. Thus, the brain processes the information collected by the eye, Then he presents a perception that does not correspond to the physical scale of the source of the stimulus. There is a prevalent assumption that there are physiological illusions that occur naturally, as well as cognitive illusions that can be represented by certain optical illusions It relates to how human sensory systems work. The human brain builds a world inside our heads based on samples of the environment. However, Sometimes the brain tries to organize this information it sees as good, while other times it uses it to fill in the gaps. It is considered This way the brain works is the basis of human delusions.
Auditory illusions are related to the sense of hearing: the individual hears sounds that are not present or are 'impossible'. In short, Auditory illusions shed light on areas in which the human ear and brain use temporary alternative instruments that differ from (for better or worse) ideal auditory receptors.
Examples of tactile illusions include: phantom limbs, thermal grill illusion, rabbit skin illusion, and another strange illusion that occurs when the middle and index finger are placed on the nose، So that each finger is on each side, resulting in the sensation of two separate noses. Interestingly, the areas of the brain that are activated during tactile illusions These are the same areas that are activated during actual perception of touch.[4] Tactile illusions can also be extracted by tactile technology. These imaginary "things" can be used to create "real things."
Delusions can also occur with other senses, such as taste and smell. Whereas, if parts of the taste receptors in the tongue are damaged, Taste illusions can be produced by tactile stimuli. Olfactory delusions occur when positive or negative verbal traits are given before olfactory stimuli.
Some delusions are the result of illness or disorder. Since people do not share these types of delusions, each type has its own conditions. For example, many migraine patients suffer from parietal delusions.
The word "illusion" has different meanings in ancient philosophy. Many monistic philosophies clearly defined the difference between illusion and reality. According to the ancient philosophy (non-duality), An illusion is unreal and unreal at the same time. It is common to assume that delusion is a pseudo-archaic philosophy that distinguishes between (illusion) and falsehood. According to this philosophy, ancient philosophy is true in itself, but incorrect in comparison with the truth. According to this philosophy, illusion is not the opposite of truth or reality. According to these assumptions, A mad human scientist stated that the world as humans see it is an illusion. This does not mean that the world is not real. The world is a real image of a person in the mirror. The world is unreal compared to reality. But the world is not fake either. Falsehood is something that does not exist. If we apply this philosophy to the previous example, the illusion is not an illusion in reality, but a falsehood. This is because people tend to regard the illusion as false. According to the teachings of my master in the art of magic
I was studying in a sorcery club to begin to understand people more and more, as he once told me:
"The world we think of as real is not real, but it is an illusion (it is neither true nor false). The reality of the world is something that can only be experienced through de-identification."
But this is a high level of optical illusions
I think it's an old magic or something