Then the woman continued after she pulled out two cups of coffee suddenly from the mist
She said, "Among the common types in the art of suggestion are:
Show something out of nothing like taking a rabbit out of an empty hat, getting coins out of an empty pocket, etc.
Disappearance is like the disappearance of a pigeon or bird just by clapping or the disappearance of something in the palm of the hand.
The transfer is usually done by playing cards, where a person chooses one of the cards and then the suggester hands him another card, but by lightness of hand it turns to the original card chosen by the volunteer in the first place
Reassembling a piece of cloth or rope that has been cut, untangling a tight knot in a rope, or cutting a body with a saw and then returning it.
Shifting something from one position to another, such as a coin that suddenly disappeared to appear in a spectator's bag, or switching the positions of two people in two different chests.
height in the air
Usually these events are practiced for the purpose of entertainment and the audience knows that there are tricks in every event, but the main goal is to have a good time These artists usually maintain the secrecy of the means and tricks used to maintain the spirit of excitement, and because the unions to which they belong demand a pledge of secrecy not to allow amateurs to break into the livelihood of professionals.
Then she continued after taking a sip of coffee and said,
Sorcery is also called black magic and can be considered as a branch of magic that is based on invoking the so-called evil forces or dark forces. whose help is usually sought for destruction, injury, or personal gain. There is controversy about dividing magic from the ground up into black magic and white magic. There is an old impression Some magic aims for good, and this impression is noted in many writings. The prevailing belief was that the sorcerer actually has the ability to inflict disease, misfortune, sterility and other cases, and this type of belief still prevails. In the modern era, to a limited extent for some. The so-called preparation of the souls of the dead was one of the common rituals in sorcery, and this ritual was mentioned in more than one poet and more than one city.
I had read a book about magic before I came here
Magic is defined from the point of view of the parapsychological field by studying the nature and applications of the so-called supernatural capabilities that some possess, such as seeing through a wall. Or the ability to see events or people from great distances in the distance, or the ability to know past incidents of something or someone by touching the thing or person, or to predict the future.
This field is usually raised with many doubts by academics, and many describe it as pseudoscience. On the other hand, there are academics who are convinced that these phenomena are real.
There was a foreign person who wrote a book in Egypt about this, saying that the summoned spirit inside him was the one who wrote it. He used to say in it
Realizing one's true self and one's unique will is enough to 'unite with the whole'
This realization can be reached by means of some rituals.
Among these rituals: yoga, necromancy, the last supper ritual of Christ, reading the Kabbalah book, which is the spirit of the Torah, fortune-telling, astrology
Understanding the symbols of the tree of life, which are numbers or numbers connected to each other by 22 linear associations, the numbers represent the planets and the connection lines are the symbols of the Hebrew alphabet, which in turn is divided into seven planets and 12 constellations.
Following these principles will lead, according to the beliefs of the followers of Thelema, to the state of awakening similar to Nirvana in Buddhism and the discovery of the hidden soul. The "hidden soul" can leave the body, travel through the ether, and cross the "lake of emptiness." It is the basis of magic and the main goal of the practices mentioned above, since this invisible soul or what is also called by Crowley the "light body" can perform actions that violate the laws of physics such as removing unwanted forces and preparing the souls
The woman continued her words, she told me about a book that was called Shams al-Maarif. She told me that
"The most famous book known to most of those who practice magic is the book Shams al-Maarif al-Kubra by Ahmad ibn Ali al-Buni, of which there are two copies, the first being the original and dating back to 200 years ago.، The second is modified, as some pages have been deleted and others have been added. This book is forbidden in all human countries except Egypt. It contains terms and concepts related to magic and sorcery, including terms for preparing the jinn، And terms related to the stars, constellations, planets, the moon, the movement of the moon...etc. There are some applications and drawings related to the implementation of the orders of sorcery and magic in the book.
The main means of magic in religious belief was the incantation, which was words or writings mixed with special materials prepared by the religious man in special rituals. The purpose of the spell ranged from changing the future to controlling a person or factor, and these spells were usually performed under the pretense of evoking divine powers, and the spell was often performed in stages.
The purpose of the spell ranged from changing the future to controlling a person or factor, and these spells were usually performed under the pretense of evoking divine powers, and the spell was often performed in stages.
The rituals of invoking the supernatural or divine powers that were different according to the religion followed.
casting a spell
offering offerings
Then another sound appeared from the mist remaining in the room that seemed to say that
"There is a consensus that the concept of magic in ancient religions stemmed from man's lack of awareness of the forces of nature and the lack of scientific analysis of phenomena that were considered mysterious to ancient man. In general, the use of magic from a religious point of view stems from the belief of the religious person in the ability of God to change his life and destiny. From this perspective, magic rituals were a person's supplication to God for intervention.. This can be seen in a kind of similarity to the idea of supplication, prayer and offering in various religions that is still practiced to this day, as the idea of asking for help from the Greatest Creator is the same old idea, but it is more profound.and philosophical of primitive religions"