Teaching how to become a regular spy

Then I asked, "Do you have any other ideas?"

A man with long black hair, a small nose, green eyes and light skin stood up and asked permission to speak and said, "Invest your time in improving your acting skills by practicing with different types of people."

I answered him and said, "Yeah… Play the different characters, you will always go through missions with an identity other than your own. Go to places where you are not expected to find welcome or foreknowledge of others, I answered him and said, "Yeah… Play the different characters, you will always go through missions with an identity other than your own. Go to places where you are not expected to find welcome or foreknowledge of others, Can you disguise yourself as a foreign diplomat? How about a theater actor and artist searching for the meaning of the world? A good secret agent always accepts this kind of challenge, Even if a man is asked to disguise himself as a woman or vice versa!

Learn everything possible about the different cultures, industries, and personality types that live everywhere in the world, you never know where your next assignment will be.. If you are going to go on a national mission to your country to hunt down a fugitive criminal in France, you must be able to speak French, and not only that, but be familiar with all aspects of French culture.. You may also be required to be in criminal communities, such as drug or arms dealers, and at that time you must have a strong personality capable of impersonating the criminal Who drinks alcohol and drugs and deals violently and aggressively with this type of person."

Then I continued in terms of his words and said, "Learn to lie, and discover lies. Missions will always force you to be exposed to questions from security in other places and countries, So if you're caught hiding in a room you're not supposed to be in, there's no alternative to making up a false justification for why you're here and now. Make up excuses or run away in the blink of an eye; no other solution. Alternatively, your task may be to interrogate others or investigate in search of the truth of something mysterious, You will then need to possess the skill of detecting lies, very quickly and effectively. The interesting thing is that the two skills are closely related to each other. The more skilled you are at lying, the more successful you will be in detecting lies, and vice versa

Watch body language. Liars tend to shrink down on themselves and be considerate of their expressions, limbs, and body from others, which are expressions of their anxiety and discomfort. From the reality of the fear of discovering their lies. In contrast, Al-Sadiq reveals himself and speaks with confidence, not afraid of anything.

Liars avoid short talk and repeat sentences and usually repeat questions verbatim to give themselves time to find the appropriate answer.. Pay attention to these phenomena while trying to discover who is lying to you, and in turn, avoid making these mistakes by practicing well the excuse or lie. Which you may need in advance, and thus be able to answer and interact with others as if they are really real things, you already know, and you are not just making them up now.

Very relaxed while telling a lie. Prepare in advance for false talk and calm your nerves as much as possible. Most cases of lying are revealed through stress and extreme anxiety The one who controls the liar, while if you keep yourself relaxed as much as possible, your lie will appear as a complete and unquestionable truth."

Then a man with huge marks from gyms and the like stood up and said, "Have a strong and athletic body."

I told him after he said, "True."

She then continued, "A secret agent always needs a special physical ability, which ensures that he can jump over a barbed wire fence and get stuck in helicopters at the last minute after running." As quickly as possible to catch the fugitive and sneak through the ventilation and sewage pipes to reach the bunkers and hideouts of the gangs. You can never be a secret detective with a slouchy body and a big belly, No matter how talented and sharp you are. The ability to run and move flexibly is the minimum physical requirement for this job. a Do everything in your power to have a perfect body and exercise for each task in order to reach the appropriate fitness for it.

Focus on cardio rather than strength training and muscle building. You don't need to have the appearance of a bodybuilder to work in the field of undercover investigations and intelligence, But you have to have an athletic body and be able to run as well as an Olympic runner; This is your perfect trick to escape from the security men and chase the enemies.

The ultimate secret agent's ultimate secret weapon is, believe it or not, yoga. This amazing sport gives you the opportunity to control your body and mind at the same time. The more you practice yoga, Your ability to overcome difficult situations, both mentally and physically, and to pass through the toughest challenges has increased, and it will be the magical tool that will make you fit for the toughest missions."

Then I continued from where we left off and said, "Learn fighting skills. At crucial moments of missions you will face an inevitable battle. Are you ready for a fight? Never leave yourself an easy prey to be caught or beaten by enemies, And you may spare yourself the trouble of imprisonment and interrogation in the back warehouses of one of the unknown places by entering the battle and you are the strongest and most skilled party in the fight. The mental skills are crucial to a secret agent, but you also have to build a state of complete confidence and a willingness to defend yourself in every way possible.

To fight properly, stand on the instep and use one hand to protect the solar plexus (chest) and the other to hold it in front of you in a position ready to punch the opponent. When the enemy attacks you, dodge it or block it. If you are a beginner in combat, always try to dodge and block at the same time as you move, ensuring that if one fails, the other succeeds. Perhaps dribbling and blocking at the same time. To learn more about how to fight properly, try learning one of the following sports: taekwondo, aikido, judo, or karate.

Hit the second finger, not the third. The ideal method is to strike with the brain of the first and second fingers, trying to direct them directly to the middle of the enemy's face (nose and eyes). Hit the second finger, not the third. The ideal method is to strike with the brain of the first and second fingers, trying to direct them directly to the middle of the enemy's face (nose and eyes).

Then a spectacled person stood up and said, "Learn to speak as many languages ​​as possible. "

I continued explaining as if I were a university professor, "It is real and a necessary condition of any secret agent, even if you think your assignments will be of a local character. You should have no problem speaking or reading most basic languages." And the most widely used around the world at least.[2] You need this skill the most in case you want to join one of the private spy agencies, And significantly as well if you want to join the government intelligence services, and any party also needs a diversity of languages ​​​​by its investigators and agents

Like Arabic and English in most human cities.

Then I said, "The last one, learn how to read body language and lips. One of the most needed language skills for a secret agent early in life is to be able to read the other party when he is talking from a distance and you can't hear him, As well as without speaking (or beyond speech), which is known by the term lip-reading or body language. You must have the ability to analyze the information issued by the other party in situations where you are not able to Listen clearly, as well as information that he does not say in the first place but exposes his body.

You can practice this type of skill by watching series and movies with the sound turned off. At first try to turn on the texting option of what is said, then turn it off, trying to translate and understand what is being said without voice or writing. The goal is to get used to the shapes of mouth movement. Then go to a café or public place and practice remote eavesdropping skills and reading body language."

Then I pointed to the waitresses and started distributing a piece of paper that I had made in that half hour to the crowd with the words

"Helpful thoughts

Take good control of your feelings and emotions.

Always be aware that people who are very nice to you are usually hiding something and may know a lot about you that you don't.

Learning to lip-read (interpret expressions and body language) is what tells you more than just listening to what the other person is saying.

You can engage in covert surveillance activities as well.

Trust only your own team.

Buy clothes that are appropriate for formal situations.

adhere to the general principles of espionage activities; Ask, watch and listen.

Pay attention to the way people act and what they are trying to reach with these actions.

Always be attentive and observant of your surroundings."