
I could only hear the sound of my shaky breathing and my heartbeat. With each breath I took my body became colder but thanks to Dace's warmth I was getting okay and impossibly warm. My body still aches like I held a rock to my body but in all that I couldn't concentrate on that pain but Dace's hand gently rubbing against my waist in a curve pattern, my shirt was lifted slightly and his warm hand rubbing my bare skin, giving me a kiss of his warm skin.

I felt alleviation and I felt cozy, I didn't want any of this to end and I didn't wanna think about what happened or anything else, I just wanna be here with him, in this silence, just the two of us, laying against the bed and facing each other, I was enjoying the quietness and the amenity we found, it was calm and his company was everything, just him being here was enough to melt the cold away.