Truant {5}



Why did I even come here? Oh right, Cuz said he forgot something and needed to pick it up, my dad has given the decree of not attending Juneau high anymore, well it was his idea that we started in the first place, he wanted us to leave our comfort zone, I was merely rolling my eyes right now.

Surely it was some sort of training, of course, he wanted us to see humans as the lowly beings they were, making us look superior. I know him well, that was probably his idea. It was no biggie, just attend school right? It was just child play, we never got along and the difference will be very clear and how superior we were.

Not until Dacey decided to fancy a human, well I don't get it, I don't get him at all, I mean why cling to something you know perfectly well that you can't have? It was clear as day but my brother decided to turn a blind eye.