A succession of problems hit Ansel Balder. Alec could not be saved. Everything is sudden. Alec's body which was covered in blood, was immediately removed and put in a car to be rushed to the hospital.
"Ethan Colleen, come with them!" ordered Ansel Balder.
Ethan Colleen, who adores Ansel Balder, complied when he was also taken to the hospital for a kidney compatibility test with Alec's kidney. Even though the percentage of matches was low, thank goodness Ethan Colleen was willing to give it a try. After all, his kidney was damaged.
Rachel Colleen sat on the bench awaiting her husband's sudden surgery. Ansel Balder was beside him with a sad face. Her children are in critical condition and still cannot be visited. His trusted bodyguard commits suicide after hearing the news of Daphne Tjia's death.
"What are your next plans, Mr. Balder?" Rachel Colleen asked.