chapter 2 My Child

Third pov:

After Phanes create light and darkness Phanes create a mirror to see what he look like.

Phanes haven't seen since his death, in the blank or void before Phanes create light and darkness he saw nothing.The only thing that emits light was his energy blast even then the light will fade out after a second.He can't even see Anna appearance in the void.He only know how she look is because he create that look.

Phanes pov:

"Hmm not bad, I look better than my past life.Not handsome enough to be a model but hey I not picky.But I must say my rod is fucking huge!"

Phanes has pitch black short hair, purple eyes great figure and most importantly a 9 inches dick. He create a dark purple, dark blue and black suit for him and wear the coat in his shoulder. He give Anna a sexy black one piece dress sleeve less.

"Ok,Anna I think time for me to create living being."

"Yes Phanes it's time, I'm sure they will be wonderful."

Phanes smile at Anna reply.Doing the move that he did for light and dark.One for light one for dark but this time beings appears.

A beautiful blond elf wearing a medieval elf long dress appears in the light, the a handsome black long hair wolf beastman with long black and white pants with a animal coat at his waist no shirt appears.After Phanes fully form their body they kneel greet Phanes and Anna.

"Stand my beautiful childen no need to kneel."

""Yes father"

"Good kids, now you shall be Celestia the goddess of light, while you shall be Erebus the god of darkness.You guys will be protecting your domain and will be helping each other if in trouble."

""Yes father""

"Now now Phanes no need to be so strict with them they are still a child" Anna told Phanes with a mother like voice.

"Yeah you right but,"Phanes look at both child

"both of you shall not take this lightly other than that don't fight that is all I ask of you"

Both Celestia and Erebus nodded.

Celestia walk Anna and ask."Mom are you going to create beings like father?"

"I don't know my child maybe I will after your father finished his world."

"Ok" Celestia said while smiling.

'Huh still can't believe I got such a beautiful girl as my wife."


in the 4 million year mark

"Hey Anna wanna be with me."

"Huh did you fall in love me Phanes"

"Yes, I mean come on I've been with you for 4 million years now and you are the only person I can talk to of course I'd fall in love with you."

"Ok I will become you girlfriend first after all I love you company.Also I'm the perfect girl for you. I mean I know the type of girl you like."

"Really I don't believe you."

"You sure. uwu."

"Ok never mind you know Fuck what else do you know!?"

"Hmm I won't tell bye"

Anna blue screen disappear. Phanes look shook.

"You can do that?! Hey Anna Anna...."

"hah I will continue training."

~flashback end~

Erebus walk to the side of Phanes and ask "Father what king of creature are you going to create next?"

"My son, I won't be creating living creatures for the time being, I need to create planes like hell and heaven then I shall continue create beings." Phanes replied.


~After a while~

"Hooo done, all the preparation are done time to create living beings again.humph!" Phanes use his energy to create 9 beings 5 woman 4 boys.

All the children want to kneel like the two before but Phanes stop them. And give them name.

Goddess of death : Helti( she has short red dress with black shirt. Her hair is black, hair cover left eye black eye)

Fairy God: Esti (A boy the shortest of all the being that Phanes create. Has blue short hair and wear long blue pants no shirt , a golden necklace with a blue gem in the middle and royal blue eyes, a big butterfly like wing the colour is rainbow.)

Goddess of life: Helisa( bright red eyes and has a long beautiful brunette red hair wear a long one piece sleeve less bright red dress)

God of reality: Irklich ( wear a glasses with a red suit and red tie normal red eyes,red hair)

Goddess of space: Asteria( A long hair that look like a galaxy ,a purple dress and little spark of star in her eyes)

God of time: Janus ( He wear a green suit red tie, golden hair short , green eyes but in his eyes there's a clock ever turning. It will act accordingly to his power. Like if he turn back time it will turn counter clock wise.If he stop time the clock will stop turning.)

Goddess of earth: Gaia( she has green brunette hair and have flower on them, she wear a shirt made out of flower,stick and branch. Beautiful green eyes and with a punk flower pattern on them.)

Dragon God: Drago( he has red short hair with 2 horns in front of his head , he wear red and black jacket with red and black sport long pants. In human form he has a red bottom black top scale tail.But he can hide it if he wants.In dragon form, he as big as a big lizard shooting a atomic energy out of his mouth. Scale of his body is black but under part of his body has red scale.)

The Phoenix: Vitality(She has red hair short that will turn into fire if she use her power. She has red long dress with fire pattern and like her hair if she use her the dress will turn into fire. Her Phoenix form is as big as drago and like a normal Phoenix her body will be in flames.)

"Ok my kids,most of you guys will have your own domain but you guys can leave the domain once in a while.But don't leave for too long because if you do that the domain will start breaking down collapsing and we don't want that now do we."

They nodded while smiling.When Phanes saw this he smiled too.

"Ok, Helti will be assigned to hell where dead evil people go. And you will punish them for their crime , if they done their punishment they can get reincarnate."

"Ok father I will make you proud" Helti said with a serious face.

"Sure you will" Phanes says as he pat Helti head.

"Esti you will be in the realm of fairy where all fairy live and you need to oversee them, to punish them if they done evil deeds."

"So I'm like a king?" ask Esti

"Yes you are."Said Phanes

" Helisa you will be on heaven or what I like to call upper realm to oversee all living beings."

"Thanks father, that way I can see the beautiful being that will be created."

"Irklich you are one that will not have a realm of your own because all realm or plane is your domain cuz your reality. But you can stay at one of you siblings realm."

"Sure father. I more of a explorer so not bond to one realm is great for me but you already know that don't you father." Phanes smiled.

"Asteria will have the outer space for your domain you will be creating star in deep space."

"Nice father thank you." Said Asteria while hugging Phanes, then Phanes pat the back of Asteria head.

"Janus you also have no realm too like Irklich your power time is everywhere so no domain cuz time reside everywhere."

"Ok father." Said Janus while thinking where he should live, cuz unlike Irklich is not a explorer ,he like to stay in one place.

"Gaia your domain will be the middle call Mitti where all the mortal being that I will be creating reside.And your job will be controlling nature.And let life flourish."

"Sure father I will like that."Gaia said with a small smile.

"Now Drago you will in hell with Helti but you can stay at Mitti."

"OH YEAH" Drago said while his first high

"BUT you need to have control. I know i create you to be chaotic but don't be destructive."

"Ok father." Drago hand drop cuz he wanted to destroy some mountain.

"You need to think with your mind not muscle my stupid brother." Said Vitality.

"Huh sister are you implying I'm dumb. Do you want to fight."

"Yrah I am, what you want to fight come on then Drago." Vitality hair and dress turn into fire after saying that.

"Ok ok now don't fight or else you will be fighting me." Said Phanes.

""Ok father"" while the other siblings and Anna laugh at their antics.

"Now Vitality you will stay at heaven and like Drago you can stay at Mitti."

"Ok father" Vitality said while bowing.

"Now go to your own realm, I need to do something."

After they gone to their realm he and Anna go to a beautiful mansion to do the deed.

____________________________________________seems like you guys are lucky. cuz I upload two in a day.Now comments and give me support because I only return this early is because of the support.So support me and maybe I won't go in hiatus for so long when I finish this season. Just letting you know i wanted to return next originally.