Chapter 9 war

irol pov:

A dwarf enter irol house to inform him that the weapon prototype is finish.

After hearing irol rush to the workshop. "Chief blacksmith I heard the prototype is ready."

"Yes sir I have inform the other councilman and they told us to test fire it."

"They did huh... Where do you have in mind chief."

"We can use it at the skull mountain."

"Hmm... Sure it's with the big skull on the mountain right?" Irol ask so he can confirm the location.

"Yes the skull there is so hard that our best mining equipment can't even put a dent in it."

"Sure let go there right away." Irol nodded.

-After a hike-

The blacksmith prepared the weapon and are ready to shot on command. The chief look at Irol to see the sign to fire. Irol nodded and then Chief shouted "FIRE!"


The whole mountain was destroyed even the mountain behind was destroyed too. But the giant skull remains damaged but still intact.

'That's powerful maybe too powerful it can be our demise if we don't put it close to our heart. But how is that skull still there, it suffer little damage.' Irol turned to the chief and about the skull.

"Oh that big chunk of bone. I don't know it has been there since we arrive here ,many people forgotten about it cuz the bones is too for us to make anything. If we had a equipment to mining we can make the best weaponry. But we don't have the equipment so everyone just thought its a hard bones." chief answer

"I see."

"But I'm worried about the creature when it was still alive.If a powerful weapon like this can't destroy the bones then imagine how powerful was it when it was alive." Chief told Irol about his concern.

"Yeah I know what you mean.It must be very strong for its bone to stay this tough for this long after he's death."

Irol thought about it for a little bit but he has a tight timeframe so he order the chief and his man to return.

Arthur pov:

"Wow it's beautiful." Arthur admirer the view.

"Yes it's beautiful we Phoenix like to fly around the sky." The Phoenix told Arthur.

"Yeah and we make fun of you guys for it like why do you even like it. I mean yes it's beautiful but we fly like this all the time so nothing special." The dragon said to the Phoenix.

"You dragons are the one that is weird like why aren't you guys enjoy this scene?" Phoenix ask questioning the dragons taste.

" We just bored of it."

We fly for 5minutes than we arrive at the dragon island. Since they told me that the two island is at the 2 corner of the continent so we will be visiting the nearest one.

We landed then Phoenix told me.

"Now Arthur you need to follow him cuz I can't be here because of the dragon god. But when you finish exploring the island he will contact me."

"Ok" 'Again with the gods nonsense. But I can't argue with him.'

While the dragon introduces a lot of kind of dragons like a lot pretty much all the elements have a dragon. Then we went to see the dragon king.

The dragon king was huge. Bigger than any dragon I saw.

I kneel and Greet him.

" You majesty, dragon king. I'm Arthur a general from the Empire Pluto."

The dragon king open his eyes looking at me.

"My name is Inferno. So the human empire is called Pluto." Inferno voice was deep and rumble.

"I as the dragon king welcome you. You general Arthur why are you so far from your territory."

"I was order by my king to explore this part of the main continent." Arthur answer with a straight voice

"I see, are you satisfy with what you see."

"Yes you kingdom is wonderful."

Inferno chuckle at Arthur comment.

"Don't lie Arthur we all know our place is full of destruction but it's necessary for my dragon kind."

Arthur laugh awkwardly. The the dragon he came with contacted the Phoenix to come and pick up Arthur.

Arthur ask the dragon his name.

"Oh my name, it's valo and the Phoenix name is Fary."

Then Fary landed.

"Ok bye, thank for the tour."

Arthur ride Fary and went to the Phoenix continent.

____________________________________________Hey I'm back. I got 2 reason of why I didn't update one I'm too lazy. Second my school fasten the exam. Like the exam was supposed to be held next year January but was move forward to November so I had to study hard. And still fail almost every subject.