Chapter 17 Destruction

Phanes pov:

I found their weakness, the weak looking god is a healer. That explains why I can't kill the fire god.

No I know their dead. "It's time to die." Since a black hole is too weak to kill them. I will make a blast so big it will destroy my universe and multiverse but I can just rebuild it with ease.

I start charging up the blast. When the enemy gods realise what I was doing they quickly attack me but it was too late.

"NOW DIE UNIVERSAL EXPLOSION!!!" a huge explosion happen., my universe was getting turn into nothing not even the atom survived. And I can feel the multiverse dying one by one.

The blast killed 2 gods leaving the fire badly wounded. "What are you? A new god can't be this powerful. Even for a god of creation this is too much"

"Well you are dead so you have no need to know." I use lightning to kill him.

Well that's was easy now last rebuilt everything.

_________________________________________________Hope you enjoy the chapter