
Oath of fire

"Please don't do it to me. Not anymore." The man cried as he said that.

I mean, even though I'm still a budding mage, I'm a full on martial artist. I mean, the training of hell that spanned around a month wasn't for nothing, you know? Like, I do have the ability to overcome an expert martial artist with little experience at this point, so what is a mage for me?

"Should I? I mean, why should I? Like, there's no telling that you won't begin to attack me with your magic if I stopped the attack, you know?" I shrugged as I spoke.

"No, I won't. So, please stop attacking me." He cried.

I guess the real Nosir was quite a compassionate person, because I really couldn't handle seeing him cry in the ground like that. I mean, I'm not usually like that, you know? Like, I have no empathy whatsoever, which means that it is Nosir influencing me into making this decision of withdrawing my attacks.