

It was hella bright at that point. I guess, it makes sense because every mainstream transformation sequence involves bright lights. And this assured me of one thing. The dragon exists in some novel as well. I will never get to know which one it is supposed to be from, but this is something that I can be sure of.

And in the end of this transformation sequence saw the dragon getting transformed into a cute little girl. And when I say little, she looked around three to four years old.

"Well, I guess you were right about the dragon being hella young." I turned towards Jerome and spoke.

"I mean, I did say that, but I didn't expect for it to be the case, you know?" He shrugged as he replied.

"It is, so let's try talking to the dragon." I mumbled as I walked towards the dragon girl. "So, little dragon… Where are your parents? And what is your name?" I asked as I got down to her level.