
Adunni cleched her fists at the retreating figures of Apeke and their father. She couldn't believe this! He had taken her side ,again just as he always did. She never seemed to do anything right in his eyes.It was always Apeke this....Apeke that.'Be like your sister' ,he'd tell her. There was nothing wrong with how she was. Afterall,it was Apeke who always got into trouble and not her, but no matter how much trouble she got into their father still loved her unconditionally. Why couldn't he love her like that? Why couldn't he love her the way he loved her sister?

No!What was she doing?She had promised herself never to go down that road again .She wouldn't wallow in self pity. She was better than that.

She didn't care about being her father's favorite but she definitely cared about being the next queen. She wasn't going to give up . Apeke wouldn't win this time,she'd make sure of it.


"Father,what do I do?"Apeke asked her father,breaking the silence.They had been at the bank of the lake for a while now and all Apeke had done was stare into space.

Ajani hoped bringing her there would cheer her up and it did, but it didn't exactly make the problem dissapear.

"I don't know,my child.I really don't.It is a royal request ,one that cannot be turned down. Unless..."

"Unless what? Papa,tell me."

"Unless,you manage to convince them that you are not fit to be queen."

"Oh."Apeke wasn't so exited about her father's idea anymore.How was she going to do that?What if she couldn't do it?What if she succeed a little too well ended up being embarrassed?

"Please ,try to contain your enthusiasm."Her father said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes.

"Father,I don't think I can do this. I don't know how.The headqueen seems to think I am perfect for her son. I don't know how to convince her otherwise."

Ajani didn't get it. What had come over her? Where had her fighting spirit gone all of a sudden?