



The mom screams from below and asks his son, Steve to lower the volume and that it's chaos down below. Steve quickly responds to his mom and tells her he'll lower the volume in a minute. He proceeds to lower the volume, but it still is loud. So his mother walks in to the room without knocking. She gasped as she saw his 13 year old son watching the infamous torture sequence from American psycho and laughing and enjoying it. She was scared that her son became insane. She pulls the tv plug and slaps him hard and questions him. Enraged, she curses him and asks what the fuck was he watching and who gave it to him. She wondered why in the actual fuck would someone 13 years old watch such a horrifying scene on high volume and laugh at it.

She was terrified and upset. She says that he was in no way eligible to watch that explicit content. Steve quickly apologizes and says that its not as bad as it appears and that he'll make it up to her. He pleads to her that he'll do anything to avoid confrontation with his dad. His mom tells him to save his sorries for his father for he is to take care of him.


The family of three is sat down on the dining table and there's a pristine silence in the room. Nobody talks until the father makes a first move.

(The father is a hardworking conservative war veteran)

After a moment of silence, he tells his son that heard something happened that day and asked if he would care to explain. The son quickly responds with a made up answer that it was nothing and it's just mom overreacting for something small. He also says that everybody in school watches it and its no big deal. With a smirk on his face, he says mom's just a drama queen. If there's one thing the father knows, it's respect to his mother. This triggered him and he threw the plate on the walls. The mother starts cleaning the mess in disbelief of what just happened.

The father holds Steve by his shirt and says "Boy, you better shut your mouth. Don't you ever talk about your mother like that. That'll be the end of you. I don't give a flying fuck what you watch; but if your mother says something, you better listen and listen well. Or you'll have to face the consequences" He then removes his belt implying what would happen the next time if something like this happens again. Steve breaks down and runs to his room in fear. Then the mother tells the father that he could've talked some sense into him instead of belittling him as always and throwing things. She asks him to control his anger.

The father admits and says "I may have gone too far but don't you ever question my methods. I know how I was raised by my father and that's the same way I'll raise my son as well. If you have any problems with it, you can go fuck yourself."

Mother cries in disbelief of how awful things have gone wrong for a small problem. Dad goes outside and sips on his beer. Son is crying his heart out in his room. Mother is weeping and cleaning the mess the father just created. The house is filled with silent tears and a presence of a violent monster residing among them.



Steve daps his friend Joshua and they get ready for the class. Steve returns back his cd to Josh and tells him the he wishes he never got the cd from him in the first place. He then says the day before was a havoc and that his parents made a big scene out of him watching the movie. His friend as usual just funnily responds with "Well its on you man. You asked the cd and watched it on high volume. Who in their right minds would watch American psycho on TV in loud volume." It wasn't funny to Steve and he ignored him as he was in disbelief of how nobody supported him since the incident.

Quickly one of the the students started spreading news about how got his ass kicked by his dad the previous night and soon everybody started mocking and bullying and laughing at him and his family. His friend also joins the laughter.

Enraged Steve gets up and tells everybody to shut the

fuck up and that don't ever talk about his family ever again. Right at that time the teacher walked in on the sight of Steve cursing. She gives him detention that day and that was his English teacher that Steve hated the most. He goes along with the detention with no resistance and returns back home.


The Dad felt a bit bad for what happened yesterday. So he kinda wants to make it up to his son and makes an effort. Steve is extremely angry and disheartened with what happened and is just sitting in his room playing video games. The dad knocks at the door and he calls him in. The dad sits with his son and tries to reason with him what happened. But he's still angry and doesn't forgive him. His father offers him fruit as a gesture of kindness to his son. But he throws the fruit fruit down the floor just like his father did the day before. The father shocked, breaks at that moment and slams him at the wall. He curses the fuck out of him and hits him with a belt. Steve blacks out and falls unconsciously. This is a time when child support was not so vastly improvised and so there was absolutely no hope for Steve. His mother walks into the room and sees him unconscious and cries and asks his husband "What the fuck have you done now". The Father just storms out like nothing happened. The mother carries Steve in her arms and they catch a car on the way to the nearest hospital.


Steve wakes up after being heavily bruised in the face and neck. He asks for his mother. Mother was not found anywhere near him and he started panicking. He started crying and he was then consoled by an old lady in the next bed. By the time he called for help and wanted to tell her of the abuse he faced at home, her mother quickly came in. She told everything was fine and took Steve home. The old lady sensed something was fishy and went to report it to the nurse, but when the old lady was about to tell the nurse, she forgot what she wanted to say as she was suffered from Amnesia. Steve then returned back home or what now he calls as his prison. Steve couldn't believe the sad turn of events unfolding in front of him. He asked if his mother loved him. His mother was unfazed and silent as she pretended to not hear the question. Tears were falling as he was in his mother's arms, in a loveless state.


Steve woke up to the sight of the alarm turning 8. He got ready in 5 minutes and left to school. His face was bruised and he was given faces by everyone in school. Everyone were scared to go near him including Joshua. When they enquired what happened, Steve just replied that he fell off the stairs.

One of his bullies then stood up and screamed "Steve is a coward that he got his face fucked up from a staircase fall". Everybody in the class started laughing. This was the breaking point for Steve. It was at this moment he realised silence isn't always the answer and he broke. He took a Beretta pistol from his bag (that he stole from his father) and closed his eyes. He saw his bully right in the eyes and without second thought he took the leap of faith. The room was pitch silent with laughters turning to silent prayers. The English teacher which Steve hated, tried to take away his gun. He swifty turns the gun to the teacher and shoots her in the head. He then shoots the bully and 2 of his classmates. He loathed the sight of blood and wanted for more. He then spares his other classmates and says "Call the police and tell them to pick me up at my house, and don't worry I don't want to kill you". He goes to his house which is 5 mins from his school with a blood stained uniform. He bangs on the door and his mother opens. He shoots her right in the head and in the chest 3 times. He then reloaded the guns bullets and takes a knife from the kitchen table and went on to his dad's bedroom. He sees his dad kneeling down and praying and crying, holding a picture of his family within his palm. Before he could even think, he shoots his dad and stabs him multiple times upto the point he lost his breath. Steve saw his hands were filled with blood and he held on to his fathers arms for some time and he saw the picture within his father's palm. He was overwhelmed and started to panic. He finally blacked out with the sound of the siren in the background. The police entered the house and saw both of them dead and took Steve to the station.


Steve was taken to the interrogation room and he was handcuffed to the chair and was unconscious. He woke up and the police swifty made thier move into the room. Two police officers entered into the room and interrogated him about the incident.

Steve started crying as he was afraid not realising not what he did. From the films he watched he realised that anything he says will be used against him and he didn't trust the police either. So he kept quiet and the police were infuriated. With no further adieu, he was taken to a trial the next day. He spent the night in jail with two other large sized men who were inmates who bullied him and tortured him.


Steve was charged with first degree murder with 5 counts of murder for the murder of three children and three adults. The news spread like wildfire and the entire nation was disgusted with what happened.

The judge looked at Steve right in the eye and asked him if he had anything to say to the court before the verdict. He was live televised and the entire country was watching his testimony.

Steve was silent and then as the judge was about to move on; Steve started to say,

"All my life i was living in fear of hurting any person I knew and so i always became accustomed being the oppressed. Everything began when my mom scolded me for watching a film. You guys get it? A fuckin movie. Anything what I did was a consequence of my oppression and bullying. I was physically and emotionally abused by my father and mother. I was bullied at school almost every day. I was beaten up by everyone I know. I didn't know what I felt at that moment i pulled the trigger, but I can sure say I'm relieved my parents are dead and my bully got what he fucking deserved. And I don't plead guilty, judge. I was being oppressed and if this is the only way I can feel heard then be it. Empathy is something every human being deserves. A small act of empathy would've avoided all this from happening, yet nobody cared enough to help me when I desperately needed help

(Looks straight at the camera)

I declare this a wake up call to every parent who ever imagined to even touch their children and abuse them. You better watch out you sick psychopathic assholes. Judge with all due respect, my parents had it coming but it was the guys in school that unnecessarily came in the way. That's all I have to say"

The judge hits the gavel three times, as the entire court gasped in disbelief with what they're witnessing. The police made everyone quiet and amongst all this darkness, was Steve's psychotic smirk which terrified not only the court but the entire nation.

The judge finally passed the verdict,

"Being a mother of two, there's nothing scarier than imagining the thought of seeing your child for the last time. At the same time, abuse is real, irrespective of the gender, age, sex or any discrimination. As per the perpetrator's claim to be a victim, may or may not be true, it doesn't justify to the slightest bit to ruthlessly kill them and stab them 45 times. It isn't the work of a child or a victim but the work of a clear psychopath who needs help. Though the perpetrator's 13 years old, he has done an unforgivable crime and made it insufferable to the families of the victims.

(Looks at Steve)

Bearing in mind your claim as a victim of physical abuse and your age being a minor, I hope you heal and become better. With the collaborative decision of the jury, I hereby sentence A.J. Steve Marshall to 5 years in Juvenile prison and 25 years in California county jail. I truly wish from the bottom of my heart you would change and contemplate about your decisions and reconcile with your innocence. For the casualties caused, the court offers an amount of $1000 dollars to the families of each of the victims. "


*25 years later*

Steve was movie to the "Gladiator schools" which is a juvenile jail in California until he 18. After he turned 18, he was then transferred to the "Harris county jail" in Texas. Life in Prison gave him time to reconcile himself and made Steve into a whole new person. Steve regretted his actions and decided to never be violent ever again. He reads books like "Beyond good and evil" by Nietzsche and started to be at peace with himself and his surroundings. 25 years had passed and he's 38 right now. Steve was finally released from Prison.

Being a convicted felon, Steve, despite trying to move on and get his life together, didn't know how to approach it. Steve wasn't allowed to work in any places as people recognised him from his past crimes and he was rejected in almost every job. Finally Steve was able to work at a grocery store in the outskirts of Texas, where many didn't recognise Steve, nor did they care who he was. Steve started to earn for himself and tried to live a decent life, but his past had always haunted him and he never came to terms with his past trauma and his regretful actions that killed four innocent people, apart from his parents. He didn't have a place to live for a few months and slept wherever he got a place, until one day the owner of the shop gave him a room in his house.


*2 years later*

One day the owner had gone out to catch lunch for himself, and Steve took over the shop until then. One a fine Sunday afternoon, a blonde woman walked through the store and her fragrance caught the attention of Steve. They talked pretty casually and when Martha (the woman) was about to leave, Steve took his shot. He asked her out for drinks if she's interested. Martha wasn't impressed or anything; but out of politness she agreed to meet him in the store.


Martha : Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Martha

Steve : Howdy, Martha. I'm A.J. Steve Marshall. Women call me Sweet Stevey.

Martha: (giggles) Ok "Stevey", tell me about yourself and what brought you down to the countryside coz your accent doesn't sound from here.

(Steve then decides at that moment, to not tell about his past and try to move on. He knows down deep inside, he is making a mistake by not being honest with her. But out of fear of rejection and the only opportunity for him to make things better, he decides to tell his story without the incident happening.)

Steve : Well! Long story short. I was raised in California and worked at a grocery shop which my father owned. We didn't make much but we did enough to survive. My dad and mom died when I was young and I was sent to an orphanage. One event leading to another, I got to Texas with a friend of mine who owned a Grocery store here. I'm staying with him and working under him. My life isn't that interesting, but I'm contempt with what I do and what I have. Much about me; What's your story?

Martha : (sips her beer) Hey atleast you lived a happy life unlike many and you're lucky for that. And about me, I never got to meet my dad either. He died when I was two and I have been raised by my single mom ever since. She passed away a year ago and things are pretty rough.


*2 years later*

Martha and Steve start dating for a while, and they eventually get married after 2 years when Steve was 40 and Martha 35. They go on to raise a beautiful son a year after their marriage. Steve names his son Joshua, after his friend who's the only person in his life who cared about him.

*5 years later*

Joshua grows on to be five. He grew up with nothing but pure love from both his parents, especially Steve. Steve handled him with gentle care and protection, and never allowed a single scratch on him. Steve wanted his son to be a strong hero than a coward like his dad.

Steve finally filled the void in his soul and finally found peace. He was the most happiest person in the world.

One fine day, it was time for Joshua's first day of school. Steve looked forward to this day and prepared his son to be bold and strong just like his mother.

Steve sat near the bus stop with his son next to him waiting for the bus. Steve starts to slowly weep at the side of his eyes, and Joshua upon seeing this asked,

Joshua: Daddy, why are you crying? (with a sad voice)

Steve : No I'm not crying, son. It's just the dust. I'm just happy to see you go to school. I've been waiting for this day all my life, kid. I still remember my first day of my school. My parents didn't come for my first day. All I had was my friend Joshua at that time.

Joshua: Joshua ?? Dad that's so cool. Your friend is named after me. Bet he was kind person

Steve: (whimpers)

You bet he was. He was a great man. He was the eye of my life. Guess who's the apple of my eye now ?

Joshua: Me ! Me ! Me!.

Steve : You're goddamn right son. All the best for your school now kid. Be kind to everyone, have fun and don't hurt anybody. Always remember, kindness wins over anything. Learn to say no to things you don't want. Hope you find your "Joshua" in school. You little kid, are going to have everything I never had as a child. I'm going to be the best father in the world and raise you unlike anything my dad ever did. You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me, kid. I want you to know that. You'll always be the little sunshine of my life, Joshua. He gives him a yellow kerchief to him as a symbol of luck.


Joshua embraces and hugs his father. The bus arrives and Steve carries Joshua to the bus and leaves him in the seat and wishes him luck. He waves goodbye and Joshua leaves for his first day of school.

Steve is overjoyed and waits in the bus stop until Joshua comes. He can't wait to see him.


*7 hours passed*

Steve is waiting in the same seat patiently waiting for his son to come. He gets a call from Martha but ignores it. After the third call, he gets a bit worried and takes the call. Martha panicks and cries in the phone and asks him to come home immediately. Steve rushes immediately and meets Martha. Martha says something has happened in school and that she got a call. They're not mentioning on the specifics (breaks down). Steve felt his heart sunken and pulls himself together. Steve rushes to the school along with Martha. They reach there and it's absolute chaos. The place is surrounded by police and fireman. Steve tella Martha to wait and that he'll be back. Martha cries in disbelief and shock of what just happened. The police set up a parameter and didn't allow anybody to enter as the the police explains that there has been a school shootout going on and the perpetrator has not left the school building yet. Martha has a mental breakdown and becomes unconscious. Steve makes an entry through the back entrance. He hears shooting in the first floor. He slowly moves to the first floor. He is crying but holding on to himself as he musters up courage to save his son. He goes to the first floor and he sees the killer who looks like a hugh school student. The killer is holding Joshua by his shirt and is about to shoot him. He quietly moves from the back of the killer and pulls out his Beretta which he had used 30 years back. He takes a good aim at the killer and takes his shot hoping it would be enough to save his son. His 6 bullet berreta is nothing compared to the machine gun the killer has and so every shot of his counts. The son notices his father on the background as he's crying. The killer quickly notices Steve and turns around.

* 6 Gun shots fired *

Steve closes his eyes and makes the shot. He successfully shoots the killer but also ends up with shooting Joshua at the split second the killer turned around. Steve screams "Nooooooooooooooo" Steve runs up to his son and carries him in his arm and he checks for his pulse. Joshua dies on the spot as the shot was straight to the head. Steve holds on to his son's uniform filled with bloodstains and the yellow kerchief which he gave now turned red. He in crying with excruciating noise and the police quickly come in and de escalate the situation. Steve comes out and everybody claps at Steve for shooting the killer and saving the other kids of the school. Steve won at being kind but lost his son by his own hands. No matter how hard he cleans his hands, the dirt of killing his own child will never leave Steve forever. Martha is admitted in the hospital after she passed out. Steve carries his son's body to the hospital. They announce him deceased ans place Steve in the obituary. As Steve ended up saving the children of the school by shooting the killer, he wasn't charged with anything as he used the gun for self defense and for good purpose. Steve is traumatized by what just happened and plunges himself through the mirror and hits himself so hard, he needed to be admitted soon.




The school arranged a special funeral service for the brave soul of the victim Joshua AJ Marshall who lost his life in the shootout. The entire police department and the school parents along with the children of the school were present for the funeral. The police fired three shots as a gesture of respect for the yet another brave soul lost. It started to heavily pour suddenly. Everybody were saddened by the unfortunate series of events and for Joshua's repose. Steve performed his final rites and cremated Joshua by burying him with the same hands that shot him. Steve was dead inside and broke down after cremating him. Martha hugged him and everybody left the funeral to give some time alone. Steve stood next to Joshua's grave, and was regretting his entire life. He takes a knife and stabs himself in the chest and cuts his veins as he wants to experience a slow and painful death after the unforgivable sin he has just committed. Steve gently lies down next to his son's grave and places the blood stained kerchief over Joshua's grave. He finally closes his eyes and accepts death. He is seconds away from his death and he sees his life all over once again. He is filled with tears as he remembers the first time he met his wife, Steve's birth, Steve's first steps, Steve's first word and the beautiful bond he shared with his son. He felt him closing towards his death and the last thing he sees is the police shootout he committed as a 30 years ago, with flashes of the dead bodies of his mother, his father, the four innocent victims and finally he sees the dead body of his son. He passes away and the blood from his wounds mix with the rain and appears as a blood bath around his son's grave. Steve dies next to his son, finally dying with nothing but regret and guilt for everything he ever did. Steve failed as a father and took the leap of faith which ended up with the death of his own father, mother, four innocent people and finally the little sunshine of his life, Joshua.