131. Will To Rise

There was near-silence in the dining room, and the only distraction was the constant boiling sound from the pot. Xavia just stared at his face and knew something must have happened. Over the years, she had noticed it enough times to know that her son thinks way ahead and deeper than normally others would. 

So, she knew she could not half-ass her answer. She quickly put the fire crystal away from the stove and walked to sit beside him. "I will feel sad, but also proud—extremely proud… and safe."

"Sad? Why?" Sylvester asked further. 

Xavia sighed and replied. "You know why we are the safest and the most in danger here. You becoming the Pope is an achievement that seems impossible to me. But, if you do, I will feel proud as that would mean you sit at the top… and also that you will be safe. But… your life will also be in the most danger, and the work—I'd worry for your mental well-being." 

'It's not that good right now anyway.' Sylvester thought.